Saturday, August 2, 2008

Three Things To Rave About

I love finding cute little trinkets and stationary and accessories and fashion pieces really, just anything that catches my fancy. So I rounded up a few of my favorites things (Sound of Music) that I've found while aimlessly browsing the internet: probably because I have too much time on my hands...


I've always been in love with illustrations like these. I'm not sure what you'd call them? But the idea of placing the illustrations in front of a map of Paris is ingenious (which I always thought meant not genius...) Found them on etsy by StoriesDivinations.


Fredflare always has the most fascinating little accessories, and, in this case, they didn't fail to amuse me. From past posts, I think I've stressed on the fact that I love reading good literature and really, who doesn't? I think it's something that you've got to learn to love and I've had my fair share of learning. And what author and poet can create such haunting stories other than Edgar Allan Poe?


On a recent trip to Vietnam, my friend purchased two rolls of tape that featured little zoo animals and little flying pigs, respectively. They were the cutest little things on earth. So, when I found this little roll of tape on fredflare, I immediately fell in love. I'd love to see little dancing children whenever I tape something together...


Ella Gregory said...

I love number 3, so cute!

Mary said...

The little children skipping totally warms my heart...

Francis Girard said...

what a lovely blog. i have words of the week - last week was 'superfluous' and this week is 'quasi'. I will be a regular on these pages. xf

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

I MUST have that sellotape! :D

Francis Girard said...

Hi Jackie
Thanks for your comment.
Mud on Draft is just a draft layout I was working on a few days ago. Mud On My Tea Dress is the original. xfrancis

Anne Marie said...

my english teacher had a bobble head of Edgar Allen Poe. :\ Jackie it was VERY creepy

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

this is wonderful, I wish I had large ones for my apartment!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I especialy love illustrations from the 50s

Anonymous said...

your blog is so cutee.
i love it!

No One said...

Oh that tape is so cool! I want some!!

Anonymous said...

yeahh i know what you mean.
but i always get my sister to take my pictures!

its just awkward asking anybody else. hahaah.

Angela said...

how darling. love the tape, didn't even know such thing exist.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

blog again soon
that's the coolest tape ever!

Anonymous said...

yeah they are the same thing.

ahh i have always loved the jonas brothers!
i met them a few years ago... just before their first album came out.

Hannah Bee said...

I like the first one, that is such a good idea! The skipping little children are cute too.