Monday, July 28, 2008

Lucy and Jude

To all: I'm sorry about my lack of posts during the last week. I've been rather busy and haven't had time to update. Okay, that's a lie, I was being lazy. I did make one post, but it was pretty horrible, so I ended up deleting it.

Anyhoo, moving on to the picture of the day:
Magazine: Jalouse
Issue: December 2002/January 2003
Photographer: Paf! Le Chien
Model: Heather Marks

This editorial is called Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (The Beatles) which just happens to be one of my favorite songs. I'm not sure if you can see the image or not, so if you need to, just click on the picture and it'll redirect you to a bigger one.

I absolutely love both images, what with the double image thing blended to form one. I'm not sure what you'd call that? Dual? But it's absolutely stunning. The styling was so effortless and simple, not too modern, not too outdated. These pictures are classic.

I couldn't have picked a better title for this editorial.


Anne Marie said...

love how the pictures are blended.
the peta stickers - go to and then contests. i dont know how i got my stickers for free without doing something to earn them. it was like midnight and i just came across "FREE PETA STICKERS" on the website. you'll find it :]

Mary said...

She looksso fragile and mysterious, a true Lucy indeed!

yiqin; said...

I think dual images are awesome too! they just make the photo so mysterious & beautiful

Ella Gregory said...

I adore the picture on the right! There is something about it that is so special.

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

I'm also a fan of that effect.

Thanks for posting something from a few years back. I love it when people do that. Fashion moves so fast but editorials last forever. They really keep their charm.

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

Hey pickle, I'm not sure if there's a way to leave private notes or anything so I thought I'd just nip back to let you know it's perfectly ok to add me :)

Bon Ton Chicago said...

Those pictures are beautiful.

Mimi said...

Amazing pics.A bit mistic but so graceful.

Char Ruiz Manjarrez said...

Love the pics, great finds!
